Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Rainy Day Circle

5.25 miles
51:25 minutes
9:47 pace
74°, light rain, 78% humidity
1/2 mile on the track to work out sunday's kinks before getting started
ali decided it was raining to hard and didn't want to get her hair wet
kept practicing coming back to the now trying to keep my head from spinning out of control with thoughts, mostly about work
i really enjoyed running in the rain, had a goofy smile on my face for most of the run
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Sunday, September 07, 2008

Reservoir Dogs

69°, 60% humidity at the start
75° at the finish
15.5 miles
9:40 pace
i didn't have a lot of confidence starting out on this one. had a hard time rolling out of bed at a decent time but drove to town and was on the road by 8 after a pit stop. this is one of my favorite routes in charlottesville because it is relatively flat, covers some beautiful countryside and is a loop that once you commit going down the hill to the reservoir @ mile 5 there's no turning back. stopped at the top of the reservoir hill to pet two collies. aside from them the most interesting sighting along the way was rich kovatch, an old running partner, who has done this same loop with me many times in the past, passing me in his car at the hunt club store junction of the run, one of the places we would always stop to tank up on fluids. alas, rich is limited to a max of around 50 minutes around town on a sunday nowadays for his long run, but he still gets out there.
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Friday, September 05, 2008

Downtown on a Friday Afternoon

82°, 56%
5 miles
48 minutes
9:36 pace
10¢ found
absolutely nothing to write home about except the dime found along the way.
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Thursday, September 04, 2008

OHill Trails

88°, 39% humidity
51 minutes
5 miles
10:12 pace
the map is an approximation, i doubt it was more than 5 though but i
had to get out on the trails again today, i've missed them. besides it was cooler under the tree cover.
only disappointment was not being able to stop for any tootsie roll midgets at the top of the trail.
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Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Long Belair in Early September

85°, 50% humidity
5.5 miles
9:16 pace
well that felt a lot better than the day before. my legs felt rested and even though it was relatively hot out, the humidity was down so the perceived effort was less. ali is out of action for awhile with a bad back so i best try and get mentally tougher and gut out these solo runs.
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Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Once A Runner

82°, 65% humidity
4 miles
37.5 minutes
9:22 pace
just a jaunt around the medical side of the university grounds. the construction of the south lawn project is moving along quite rapidly. i felt awful though, like i hadn't run in weeks instead of days. cut it short, just not mentally tough enough.
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