Sunday, June 29, 2008

Wesley Chapel

10 miles 
94 minutes
85°, 50% humidity
overcast and a bit breezy
this was a real mental battle at the start
getting dressed i discovered i had not packed my shoes from my locker. wound up cobbling a pair together with some inserts that weren't too worn down. out the door and onto the gravelled hills.
took 40 minutes before i was comfortable enough to know whether or not to make it a semi-long run.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Around Buck Mountain

17.25 miles
96 minutes
11 mph pace
90°, 45% humidity
hot out there, started feeling sick to my stomach
gatorade did not help
probably dehydrated from cutting the lawn earlier
pretty day though

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Jefferson Park Circle

5.5 miles
52 minutes
9:27 pace
84°, 52% humidity
got out early around 10:30 with highs predicted to be in the mid 90°s
new shoes, saucony jazz 
started out with 1 mile on track
right knee warmed up
tried to stay in the present

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Workaday Wednesday

5 miles
50 minutes
10:00 minute pace
79°, 42% humidity
got out before it got too warm
nice mix of street and trails
only stubbed my toe once on a rock
tried to be in the present, hugged a tree, listened to the environs
felt good at the end

Monday, June 23, 2008

Stuck In Duck

9.5 miles
90 minutes
9:28 pace
80°, 71% humidity
the mind wanted it more than the body but i managed to get out there and do it.
not a dry spot on my body at the end.
met pam on the way back, she was out for a 6 mile walk.
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Saturday, June 21, 2008

3rd Street

4.75 miles
42 minutes
8:50 pace
82°, humid
along the duck trail, not quite to the firehouse and back. my right knee was giving me some signals. i stopped halfway to stretch it out. could not catch the only runner in front of me. pathetic.
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McIntire Park

5 miles
45 minutes
9:00 pace
mixed roads and trails
79°, beautiful day
making room for department picnic
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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Long Belair

5.5 miles
48 minutes
8:43 pace
long belair
79°, sunny, 44% humidity not a cloud in the sky
the time slipped by quickly today as i was concentrating on listening to the book on tape, or rather ipod, that i was listening to.
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Monday, June 16, 2008

Monday Monday

4.5 miles
43 minutes
9:30 avg pace
84°, 45% humidity
my legs were tired going out the door. i alternated run/walk for the first 5 minutes. finally fell into a slow rhythm. weather was fine for a day in mid june in central virginia. eventually wound up on the observatory hill trails, stopping for the now, almost obligatory, tootsie roll break.
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Saturday, June 14, 2008

To Market To Market

8.5 miles
77 minutes
9:03 pace, doesn't seem right because the degree of effort was way higher.
after going to the city market for my weekly veggie fix, i set out to do the charlottesville 10 miler course but the heat and humidity caught up with me big time.
80° at the start around 10:30
90° at the finish around 11:45
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Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday, the 13th

5 miles
51 minutes
10 minute pace
mixed trails & streets
82°, sunny
am i really that slow?
21 weeks until the OBX marathon, not that anyone is counting, or are they?
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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Bodos' Wednesday

5.25 miles
48 minutes
9:09 pace
82° sunny 48% humidity
i wore my older pair of shoes today and paid the price.
my left ITB started acting up again even though these are the pair with the better insoles.
my running partner, ali, is taking a course between 10:45-12:30 until July 14 so there's going to be some significant solo miles in the next several weeks.
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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Beat The Heat Tuesday

4.5 miles
46 minutes
10:20 pace
mostly ohill trails
trying to stay in the shade to avoid the heat
got out early 10:45, temp 83°
temp now 93°
sunny, breezy, relatively low humidity 45%
felt good to be outside
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Monday, June 09, 2008

Too Hot

5 miles on the dreadmill
long enough to listen to one episode of click&clack, the tappet brothers on the ipod.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Thirsty Thursday

4.5 miles
40 minutes
8:53 pace
82° @ 7:30 in the morning
suspect it will be my last run until the heat breaks
or i'll need to get up earlier.
supposed to last through tuesday or wednesday.
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Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Walking Wednesday

5 miles
quit running after 36 minutes
walked it in
left ITB giving me fits
86°, 67% humidity
getting hotter
walked the tightness out, finished last 1/4 mile running with no pain
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Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Tough Hill Tuesday

5.5 miles
9:05 pace
mixed street & hilly trails
83°, sunny
hills were tough, right knee slightly sore
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Monday, June 02, 2008

Recovery Monday

4.5 miles
44 minutes
mixed trails & streets
80°, sunny
legs felt good despite 30 mile bike ride the day before