Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Deja Vu

6.5 miles
61 minutes
9:23 pace
83°, 58% humidity
much better temperature and humidity at around 9:30 am
but the pups demanded their walk on the beach first.
still soaked at the end.
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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Birthday Bike Ride

82° 65% humidity
32 miles
2.15 hours
14 mph
birthday bike ride
just too humid to go out and run so i hopped on my rusty, but not trusty, 25 yr old, now 1 speed and 1 brake, raleigh 10-speed and headed south of duck. i traversed a good portion of the outerbanks marathon course and i covered that section in 4 minute miles, more than twice as fast as i hope to run it one day. was intent on stopping @ john's (old fashioned drive-in) for a hand made milkshake but they were closed by the time i got there. had to settle for a raspberry rush smoothie instead.
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2 for one sandwich happy hour @ coastal provisions deli:
tomato mozz
(Vine Ripe Tomatoes and Fresh Cow’s Milk Mozzarella with Fresh Basil on Ciabatta with your choice of Aioli or Extra Virgin Olive Oil & Aged Balsamic Vinegar)
homemade peach birthday cobbler for dessert

Sunday, August 24, 2008

No Running But...

started the day with 3.5 miles walk on the beach with the four pups
dog walk
put the kayak in @ sanderling resort and headed north to the marshes of pine island for 7.75 miles round trip, lots of fish, 5 egrets, 1 heron, and 1 water moccasin =:-O
got a phone call from a friend who forgot to remove the garbage can from the curb at their in-law's cottage (apparently a $50/day fine in southern shores) so i biked the 10 miles there to put it back under the house.
took my beer and book to the beach.
a glass of wine watching the osprey @ sunset on the new duck park pier

followed by blackened mahi-mahi @ rundown cafe

and the olympic closing ceremony...
night all.

Friday, August 22, 2008

JPA Harris Willard Loop

83°, Fair, 40% humidity
5.75 miles
54:31 minutes
9:28 pace
beautiful blue sky with gorgeous clouds
thought i was looking through 3d glasses
last run in Charlottesville for awhile
students are returning, time to head to the beach
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Thursday, August 21, 2008

Long Belair w/a Twist

84°, 50% humidity, fair
5.5 miles
50 minutes
9:05 pace
not sure where the humidity has escaped to but it can stay there.
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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Barracks To St. Anne's

84°, 60% humidity
a tad warmer out there
chiggers still bugging me
w/ ali
some trails involved
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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Chigger Tuesday

79°, 45% humidity
took monday off after the long one on sunday.
biggest problem manifesting itself today and i should say infesting itself today is the boatload of chiggers that i must have picked up to go along for a ride on sunday.
yikes, those little buggers create quite an allergic reaction
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Sunday, August 17, 2008

Ring Around Charlottesville

60°, low humidity
16 miles
around 10 min pace
almost 3 hours
yikes, that's slow...
still felt good, mostly trails and lots of false starts
so i guess its not that bad
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Friday, August 15, 2008

Four Short Trail Ones

4 miles
38 min
9:30 pace
oh solo mio
just going through the paces
no excuses
ali down with an injured ankle
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Thursday, August 14, 2008

Long Belair w/St. Anne's Hill

80° something
5.25 miles
50 min
9.30 pace
ali sprained her ankle pretty severely
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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Downtown Quickie

83°, low humidity
4.75 miles
45 minutes
9:30 pace
no change
no celebrity spottings
just one more...
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Monday, August 11, 2008

Around Grounds

5 miles
48 min
9:36 pace
w/ ali
around grounds
smooth and easy
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Friday, August 08, 2008

Firehouse Loop

6.5 miles
61 minutes
9:23 pace
83°, 58% humidity
much better temperature and humidity at around 9:30 am
no extraordinary spottings.
new hind singlet and shorts though
still soaked at the end.
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Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Brother (John) Can You Spare A Dime?

18 miles
80 minutes
13.5 mph
90°, 56% humidity
mixing it up i went on a bike ride with $5 in my pocket and my destination being john's drive-in. when i got there i discovered my rear wheel was all whopperjobbered and that it was rubbing against the frame causing more resistance training than i realized. i ordered my chocolate, peanut butter, and banana shake in a regular knowing the $5 was pushing the envelope. it came to $5.17 and when I told the sales clerk that $5 was all i had she got this dumfounded look on her face like: yeah, so??? i hammered and hawed but she wasn't going to cough up the 17¢ so i finally said that i guess i'd have to give up the banana when two kind customers both offered to pick up the balance of my tab. my faith in humanity was restored by a cute blond in a bikini who gave me a quarter and a smile when i returned her 8¢ with a thank you and big smile of my own.
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Monday, August 04, 2008

You Know This One: Firehouse & Back

6.3 miles
58.5 minutes
9:17 pace
82°, 43% humidity, slight breeze
around 9:30 in the morning, last chance to get one in before the h&h take over for a couple of days.
first run since last thursday, feeling pretty chunky.
got 'er done though, listening to lori mckenna
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