Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Brother (John) Can You Spare A Dime?

18 miles
80 minutes
13.5 mph
90°, 56% humidity
mixing it up i went on a bike ride with $5 in my pocket and my destination being john's drive-in. when i got there i discovered my rear wheel was all whopperjobbered and that it was rubbing against the frame causing more resistance training than i realized. i ordered my chocolate, peanut butter, and banana shake in a regular knowing the $5 was pushing the envelope. it came to $5.17 and when I told the sales clerk that $5 was all i had she got this dumfounded look on her face like: yeah, so??? i hammered and hawed but she wasn't going to cough up the 17¢ so i finally said that i guess i'd have to give up the banana when two kind customers both offered to pick up the balance of my tab. my faith in humanity was restored by a cute blond in a bikini who gave me a quarter and a smile when i returned her 8¢ with a thank you and big smile of my own.
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